CPDP LatAm 2025

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Digital transformation: what role for data privacy?

13 13America/Sao_Paulo julho 13America/Sao_Paulo 2022 @ 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM

Sala / Room 809
  • Luca Belli, CTS-FGV;
  • Dirceu Santa Rosa, Líder Regional para o Brasil da IAPP;
  • Renata Ávila, Open Knowledge Foundation;
  • Grace Mutung’u, OSF;
  • Laura Bingham, iLIT, Temple University Beasley School of Law.

There may be many benefits to digitalisation in various spheres of government – from the provision of basic public services to the organisation of State bureaucracy and the Justice system, and beyond. However, as with any process based on the massive collection and processing of data, especially personal data, there are serious risks to fundamental rights that must be taken in consideration. The mechanisms that are put in place to mitigate these risks – a country’s data architecture – may tip the balance between proportional and disproportionate strategies of digital transformation. In this sense, there have been novel approaches emerging in many countries and regions, such as the EU and BRICS countries, which may provide invaluable insight on public policy decisions regarding digital transformation strategies in Latin America. This panel provides an opportunity to discuss what are the key problems at stake and what could be the potential solutions, from the perspectives of Global South stakeholders.


13 13America/Sao_Paulo julho 13America/Sao_Paulo 2022
10:00 AM - 11:20 AM
Categoria de Evento:


Room 809