CPDP LatAm 2025

Últimos Eventos

Plenária de encerramento | Plenaria de clausura | Closing plenary

Centro Cultural FGV Praia de Botafogo, 186, Rio de Janeiro

Centro Cultural FGV / FGV Cultural Centre | MyData track How to bake data protection in AI? Luca Belli, Professor FGV Law School, Coordinator CTS-FGV; Nicolo Zingales, Professor, FGV Law School; Francisco Javier Acuña Llamas, Director, INAI; Rob Sherman, Deputy Chief Privacy Officer, Facebook; Samantha Oliveira, Data Protection Officer, Mercado Livre; Olga Cavalli, Undersecretary for ... Ler mais

Promises and practical challenges to data protection compliance for SMEs: a comparative view across LatAm

Room 822

Sala / Room 822 Ana Brian, Universidad de Montevideo; Pablo Palazzi, Allende & Brea; Matias Aranguiz, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile; Erica Bakonyi, CTS-FGV. Moderadores: Nicolo Zingales. This session will facilitate an evidence-based discussion on the challenges regarding the adequacy of small and/or medium-sized companies to privacy and data protection legislation, as well as their ... Ler mais

Pré-lançamento do Web Summit

Centro Cultural FGV Praia de Botafogo, 186, Rio de Janeiro

Centro Cultural FGV / FGV Cultural Centre Rodrigo Stallone, CEO, Invest.Rio; Luca Belli, Professor, FGV Law School, Coordinator CTS-FGV; Nina da Hora, Security Council, TikTok; Researcher, CTS-FGV; Renata Ávila, Open Knowledge Foundation. Moderador: Walter B. Gaspar, Pesquisador, CTS-FGV.