PLSC LatAm – 2024

A CPDP LatAm também inclui a edição latino-americana da Privacy Law Scholars Conference (PLSC LatAm). O PLSC LatAm é um evento focado em discutir pesquisas em andamento desenvolvidas por acadêmicos. A edição deste ano do evento será restrita àqueles que tiveram seus trabalhos pré-selecionados para as publicações oficiais da CPDP LatAm.

CPDP Bruselas 2023

La edición de este año de la Conferencia de Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) tendrá lugar en Bruselas, del 24 al 26 de mayo. Varios miembros del Comité Científico … Ler mais

Data Governance School LatAm

Formulario de Becas Diversidad Inscripción La Data Governance School LatAm (DGSL) pretende desarrollar una plataforma de aprendizaje que facilite el intercambio de buenas prácticas en materia de gobernanza de datos … Ler mais

PLSC LatAm 2022

PLSC LatAm 2022 | Privacy Law Scholars Conference LatAm

This years’s edition of CPDP LatAm will also include the first Latin American edition of the Privacy Law Scholars Conference (PLSC LatAm). PLSC LatAm is an event focused on discussing ongoing research developed by scholars. This year’s edition of the event will be restricted to those who have had their papers pre-selected for CPDP LatAm’s official publications. PLSC LatAm will occur on May 27th and will be a fully online event.

CPDP Brussels 2022

In October 10th, the 1st Latin American Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Protection took place. In two Sessions, the Conference covered key issues surrounding the implementation of artificial intelligence systems in the region, such as applying privacy by design, experimenting through regulatory sandboxes and policy prototyping, and achieving balance between innovation and personal data protection. Here are some key takeaways from the webinar (the full recording is available here).