CPDP LatAm 2025

Data Governance School LatAm

The Data Governance School LatAm (DGSL) aims at developing a learning platform, facilitating the exchange of best practices regarding the governance of personal data at the Latin American level. The DGSL is an international course developed by the Center for Technology and Society (CTS) at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) Law School, Rio de Janeiro. The DGSL acts as an academic branch of the Computers, Privacy and Data Protection in Latin America (CPDP LatAm) conference, continuously facilitating an exchange of knowledge and ideas between DGSL and CPDP LatAm participants.

The DGSL will take place from 17 to 19 April 2024 at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) Law School, on the picturesque Botafogo bay, in Rio de Janeiro. (Address: Praia de Botafogo, 190)

The goal of the DGSL is to bring together data protection regulators and other stakeholders for an intensive three-day-long course, where each participant will have a dual role, being both a student and a lecturer. DGSL stakeholders encompass public servants from Latin American Data Protection Authorities, data governance practitioners, governmental and intergovernmental officials, start-up and business representatives, activists, and researchers.


  • Target audience and grants

The DGSL target audience are individuals who already have a good understanding of data governance issues and are interested in expanding and sharing their knowledge, studying global and Latin American issues related to data governance.

While the aim of this initiative is to discuss the global dimensions of data governance, the DGSL will target especially the Latin American region. Participants will come from Latin American countries and lectures will be taught in Spanish, Portuguese, and English. Simultaneous translation will be available to facilitate interactions between participants.

Each DGSL class will be composed of approximately 40 participants. The DGSL Direction will make its best effort to promote gender, geographical and stakeholder balance when selecting students, to ensure diversity and promote inclusion. To this end, up to ten grants will be available.

We encourage applications from black, indigenous and quilombola applicants, and transgender or transsexual applicants in situations of social vulnerability. Applicants who declare themselves as black, indigenous, quilombola, and transgender or transsexual applicants in situations of social vulnerability will have the opportunity to receive grants for the course. Applicants in situations of social vulnerability interested in obtaining scholarships must register through the FGV Direito Rio website and  submit the Self-Declaration Form filled out and signed to the e-mail direitopec@fgv.br.


The DGS will have a tripartite structure. The first module (Day 1) will explore the Latin American data governance frameworks to identify convergence and divergence, with a particular focus on data transfer mechanisms. In this first module, students will be asked to deliver short presentations of their national frameworks to their fellow participants and will jointly analyse case studies, to foster a mutual understanding of shared issues. This first module will carefully blend theoretical and empirical analyses, to make sure that all participants continuously focus and actively engage in the discussions.

The second module (Day 2) will focus on the most recent data protection evolutions at the regional level, regarding policymaking and technology, and their impact. This module will feature renown experts from academia as well as from technical and business communities. This model will stimulate multidisciplinary and engaging discussions of the identified issues through the analysis of practical experiences. Instances of themes to be explored during lectures, case studies and practical exercises include issues as diverse as the functioning and regulation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems; how data transfers are regulated at the Latin American level; the ways in which Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) exchange data; the implementation of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) to comply with legal requirements of multiple jurisdictions, etc.

The third module (Day 3) will focus on the most recent governance and regulatory evolutions at the global level, and the impact they can have on Latin American countries. Issues will include the analysis of the intersection between data protection and competition law, the emerging use of regulatory sandboxes, the analysis of new data governance models in leading emerging economies (BRICS countries) including the new data governance framework of China and India.

To successfully complete the DGSL and obtain a certificate released by FGV Law School, each student will be required to draft a short paper presenting the national framework of choice utilising the metodology developed by the organisers to contribute to CPDP LatAm and CTS-FGV ongoing reseach on data governance in Latin America. A model structure for student papers will be provided to students to facilitate the draft of their final papers, indicating the required sections (e.g. introduction to the national legal framework, presentation of the national Data Protection Authority, regulation of international data transfers, etc.).

The best papers will be published in volume to be presented in the context of CPDP LatAm. A selection of the best DGSL students will be awarded a travel grant to participate to CPDP LatAm.

Dates and Format

The DSGL will take place in an in-person format and will last a total of three days, from 17 to 19 April. Each student will have one month to deliver the final paper according to the predefined guidelines. The deadline for paper delivery is 25 May 2024. Students will receive a certificate issued by FGV Law School upon completion of the course and approval of the paper.


Day 1 (17 April) Exploring commonalities, differences and data transfers in Latin America

9:30 – 9:45 Presentation of the Data Governance School LatAm (DGSL)

  • Luca Belli, Professor and Coordinator CTS-FGV

9:45 – 10:00 Keynote presentation of the new Report of the UN Special Rapporteur for Privacy

  • Ana Brian, UN Special Rapporteur for Privacy, Professor Universidad de Montevideo

10:00 – 11:20 Introductory session: Exploring the intersection of AI, Data Governance and Human Rights Protection

  • Ana Brian, UN Special Rapporteur for Privacy, Professor Universidad de Montevideo
  • Jonathan Mendoza, Data Protection Secretary, Mexican Data Protection Authority – INAI
  • Nina da Hora, Directress Instituto da Hora
  • Paula Vargas, Directress of Privacy Policy, Latin America, Meta

11:20 – 13:00 Presentations of regulatory frameworks of Brazil and Uruguay, discussing the normative and institutional features (rights, obligations, data transfers, automated processing of personal data etc) and analysing a key case study.

  • Miriam Wimmer (Directress, Brazilian Data Protection Authority – ANPD)
  • Gonzalo Sosa, Coordinator of the Data Protection Unit, Uruguayan Data Protection Authority – AGESIG

13:00 – 14:30 lunch and networking

14:30 – 16:00 Presentations of regulatory frameworks of Mexico and Colombia, discussing the normative and institutional features (rights, obligations, data transfers, automated processing of personal data etc) and analysing a key case study.

  • Jonathan Mendoza, Data Protection Secretary, Mexican Data Protection Authority – INAI
  • Nelson Remolina, Professor at Universidad de Los Andes, former Superintendent for Data Protection of Colombia

16:00 – 16:30 – Coffe break and Networking

16:30 – 18:00 Presentations of regulatory frameworks of Argentina and the Dominican Republic, discussing the normative and institutional features (rights, obligations, data transfers, automated processing of personal data etc) and analysing a key case study.

  • Maria Julia Giorgelli, Defensoria del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
  • Armando Manzueta, Director of Digital Transformation of the Dominican Republic

Day 2 (18 April) Emerging LatAm issues and case studies

9:30 – 11:10 AI Regulation and Algorithmic Discrimination

  • Bianca Kremer, Visiting Professor and Researcher CTS-FGV
  • Filipe Medon, Professor and Researcher CTS-FGV

11:10– 12:40 AI, Deep Fakes, and the right to image

  • Filipe Medon, Professor and Researcher CTS-FGV
  • Nina da Hora, Directress Instituto da Hora

12:40 – 14:00 lunch and networking

14:00 – 14:50:  How to Regulate AI? Learning Lessons from Data Protection

  • Luca Belli, Professor and Coordinator CTS-FGV

14:50 – 15:40: Data transfers in Latin America

  • Pablo Palazzi, Professor and Director CeTyS

15:40 – 16:10: coffee break and networking

16:10 – 17:00 Case study: How does Mercado Livre deal with multiple-jurisdiction compliance.

  • Frederico Boghossian Torres, Data Privacy Counsel, Mercado Livre

17:00 – 18:30 Case study: Exploring Collaborative Design for Privacy Control Experiences 

  • Adam Bargroff, Privacy and Public Policy Manager, Meta TTC Labs

 Day 3 (19 April) Emerging global approaches to data governance

9:30 – 10:30 Neuro-Rights and Data Protection

  • Bárbara Muracciole, Data Protection Delegate, Presidency of the Republic of Uruguay, Professor at Universidad de la Republica

10:30 – 11:30 The Chinese Data Governance Model 

  • Aifang Ma, Professor, Peking University and Researcher CyberBRICS 

11:30 – 12:30 A Critical Information approach to Digital Public Infrastructure in India

  • Smriti Parsheera, CyberBRICS non-resident fellow
  • Manu Misra, Researcher, Center for Technology and Society 

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch and networking

14:00 – 16:00 Exploring the intersection between Data Protection and Competition Law

  • Nicolo Zingales, Professor and Coordinator eCommerce Research Group
  • Juliana Domingues, Chief Prosecutor, Administrative Council for Economic Defense
  • Maria Fernanda Viecens, Researcher at CETYS

16:00 – 16:30: Coffee break and networking

16:30 – 17:30 Regulatory Sandboxes for better Data Governance

  • Lorrayne Porciuncula, Executive Director, Datasphere Initiative

17:30 – 18:00: Conclusion: wrap-up, takeaways and presentation of the UN IGF Data and AI Governance Coalition

18:00 – 19:00 Cocktail reception

Day 1 (17 April) Exploring commonalities, differences and data transfers in Latin America

9:30 – 9:45 Presentation of the Data Governance School LatAm (DGSL)

  • Luca Belli, Professor and Coordinator CTS-FGV

9:45 – 10:00 Keynote presentation of the new Report of the UN Special Rapporteur for Privacy

  • Ana Brian, UN Special Rapporteur for Privacy, Professor Universidad de Montevideo

10:00 – 11:20 Introductory session: Exploring the intersection of AI, Data Governance and Human Rights Protection

  • Ana Brian, UN Special Rapporteur for Privacy, Professor Universidad de Montevideo
  • Jonathan Mendoza, Data Protection Secretary, Mexican Data Protection Authority – INAI
  • Nina da Hora, Directress Instituto da Hora
  • Paula Vargas, Directress of Privacy Policy, Latin America, Meta

11:20 – 13:00 Presentations of regulatory frameworks of Brazil and Uruguay, discussing the normative and institutional features (rights, obligations, data transfers, automated processing of personal data etc) and analysing a key case study.

  • Miriam Wimmer (Directress, Brazilian Data Protection Authority – ANPD)
  • Gonzalo Sosa, Coordinator of the Data Protection Unit, Uruguayan Data Protection Authority – AGESIG

13:00 – 14:30 lunch and networking

14:30 – 16:00 Presentations of regulatory frameworks of Mexico and Colombia, discussing the normative and institutional features (rights, obligations, data transfers, automated processing of personal data etc) and analysing a key case study.

  • Jonathan Mendoza, Data Protection Secretary, Mexican Data Protection Authority – INAI
  • Nelson Remolina, Professor at Universidad de Los Andes, former Superintendent for Data Protection of Colombia

16:00 – 16:30 – Coffe break and Networking

16:30 – 18:00 Presentations of regulatory frameworks of Argentina and the Dominican Republic, discussing the normative and institutional features (rights, obligations, data transfers, automated processing of personal data etc) and analysing a key case study.

  • Maria Julia Giorgelli, Defensoria del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
  • Armando Manzueta, Director of Digital Transformation of the Dominican Republic

Day 2 (18 April) Emerging LatAm issues and case studies

9:30 – 11:10 AI Regulation and Algorithmic Discrimination

  • Bianca Kremer, Visiting Professor and Researcher CTS-FGV
  • Filipe Medon, Professor and Researcher CTS-FGV

11:10– 12:40 AI, Deep Fakes, and the right to image

  • Filipe Medon, Professor and Researcher CTS-FGV
  • Nina da Hora, Directress Instituto da Hora

12:40 – 14:00 lunch and networking

14:00 – 14:50:  How to Regulate AI? Learning Lessons from Data Protection

  • Luca Belli, Professor and Coordinator CTS-FGV

14:50 – 15:40: Data transfers in Latin America

  • Pablo Palazzi, Professor and Director CeTyS

15:40 – 16:10: coffee break and networking

16:10 – 17:00 Case study: How does Mercado Livre deal with multiple-jurisdiction compliance.

  • Frederico Boghossian Torres, Data Privacy Counsel, Mercado Livre

17:00 – 18:30 Case study: Exploring Collaborative Design for Privacy Control Experiences 

  • Adam Bargroff, Privacy and Public Policy Manager, Meta TTC Labs

 Day 3 (19 April) Emerging global approaches to data governance

9:30 – 10:30 Neuro-Rights and Data Protection

  • Bárbara Muracciole, Data Protection Delegate, Presidency of the Republic of Uruguay, Professor at Universidad de la Republica

10:30 – 11:30 The Chinese Data Governance Model 

  • Aifang Ma, Professor, Peking University and Researcher CyberBRICS 

11:30 – 12:30 A Critical Information approach to Digital Public Infrastructure in India

  • Smriti Parsheera, CyberBRICS non-resident fellow
  • Manu Misra, Researcher, Center for Technology and Society 

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch and networking

14:00 – 16:00 Exploring the intersection between Data Protection and Competition Law

  • Nicolo Zingales, Professor and Coordinator eCommerce Research Group
  • Juliana Domingues, Chief Prosecutor, Administrative Council for Economic Defense
  • Maria Fernanda Viecens, Researcher at CETYS

16:00 – 16:30: Coffee break and networking

16:30 – 17:30 Regulatory Sandboxes for better Data Governance

  • Lorrayne Porciuncula, Executive Director, Datasphere Initiative

17:30 – 18:00: Conclusion: wrap-up, takeaways and presentation of the UN IGF Data and AI Governance Coalition

18:00 – 19:00 Cocktail reception